
Legal Studies Concentration


Matthew H. Meyer, Ph.D., Director (matthew.meyer@scranton.edu)

Legal Studies is an interdisciplinary concentration that provides students interested in studying law at the undergraduate level as well as students preparing for law school with a curriculum that can both advance participants' understanding of the law and develop the skills necessary for success in law school. The concentration also seeks to instill in students a sense of justice and a commitment to the common good that is consistent with the Jesuit and Catholic mission of the University. At the heart of the curriculum is an introductory course—Legal Studies Fundamentals (INTD 115)—designed with these aims of the concentration in mind. In addition to this introductory course, four more courses must be chosen from a list of offerings that align with the aims of the program and can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual student.

Because of its dual nature, the Legal Studies Concentration places a premium on flexibility in course selection for enrolled students. The required course, Legal Studies Fundamentals (INTD 115), uses legal and law-related topics to enhance students' skills in reading, writing, and logical analysis, and it therefore meets the needs of both pre-law students as well as students interested in learning more about the law solely at the undergraduate level. In addition to this introductory course, students will choose from courses that focus on legal content, e.g., Law in the Western Tradition, as well as from courses that focus primarily on skill development, e.g., Logic.

The following is a complete list of the requirements of the Legal Studies concentration:

  1. Students must take at least five courses (15 credits) that are approved for the concentration.
  2. Students must take the three-credit, Legal Studies Fundamentals (INTD 115), as early as possible and before the senior year (exceptions can be made in some cases).
  3. Students can count a maxim of two skill-based courses (six credits) toward the concentration requirements. These skill-based courses are marked with a (SK).
  4. Students can count no more than two courses (six credits) from any one discipline toward the concentration requirements.
  5. In some cases, the director may permit students to substitute two three-credit courses, one of which must be skill based (SK), for the required three-credit Legal Studies Fundamentals (INTD 115). If this substitution is made, the student must complete a total of six courses (18 credits) with no more than three skill-based courses (nine credits).
Legal Studies Courses

In addition to the required INTD 115 Legal Studies Fundamentals course, students must take at least four (12 credits) of the following courses. Students can count no more than two courses (6 credits) that focus on skill development toward the concentration. These courses are marked with an (SK). Students can also count no more than two courses from any one discipline toward the concentration. Courses may be taken in any order, although it is highly recommended that students take Legal Studies Fundamentals as early as possible.

  • ACC 470 - Law for Accountants 
  • CJ 235 - Cyber Law and Policy
  • CJ 310 - Criminal Justice Process 
  • CJ 312 - Criminal Law 
  • CJ 480 - 481 - Internship Experience
  • COMM 210 - (EPW) Logical and Rhetorical Analysis (SK) 
  • COMM 211 - Argumentation and Debate (SK) 
  • COMM 310 - Mass Communication Law 
  • COMM 314 - Legal Communication (SK)
  • ENTL 228 - (CL, D, EPW) Literature, Race, and the Law 
  • HADM 212 - Health Administration Law 
  • HIST 241 - Law in the Western Tradition 
  • HIST 312 - The Early National Period of American History, 1789-1824 
  • HIST 336 - History of American Law 
  • HIST 337 - English Constitutional and Legal History 
  • MATH 299 - (W) Introduction to Mathematical Proof (SK) 
  • MGT 251 - Legal Environment of Business 
  • PHIL 215 - (P) Logic (SK) 
  • PHIL 305 - (P) Symbolic Logic
  • PHIL 319 - (P) Philosophy of Law 
  • PHIL 323 - (P) Contemporary Natural Law
  • PS 216 - (D,S) Women’s Rights and Status 
  • PS 230 - (S) Environmental Laws and Regulations 
  • PS 280 - Pre-Law Internship 
  • PS 310 - Judicial Politics 
  • PS 311 - Constitutional Law I 
  • PS 312 - Constitutional Law II 
  • PSYC 366 - Forensic and Legal Psychology
  • S/CJ 210 - (S) Law and Society 
  • S/CJ 218 - (S) The American Court System 
  • S/CJ 316 - Principles of Evidence 
  • S/CJ 318 - Civil Liability 
  • WRTG 212 - (W) Writing for the Law (SK) 

 INTD 115 - Legal Studies Fundamentals

This course is designed as an introduction to the foundational theory of and skills essential to legal studies. As such, it functions as the cornerstone of the Legal Studies Concentration, although any student may enroll.

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